
Monday 2 August 2021

Olympic Maths Challenge 3

 LI: To fidn the most effiecent strategy.

Todays maths challenge we were asked to find how many right angles there were in a badmintin racket. Our maths questions was, An Olympic Badminton Racket has approximately 25 strings in total. When these strings intersect they form squares. This means that there is approximately 250 squares on the racket. Take what you know about right angles to figure out how many right angles there are on an entire badminton racket. To find the answer to this question we would need to find the out how many angles there are in a square whitch is 4. so our new equations woulf have to be 250 x  4 whitch is 1000.

To find out my strategy you can watch my video that I have created.

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