
Friday 29 May 2020

Food Technology

LI: To learn knife skills

Mrs Heka  is our teacher for food technology at Tamaki college. Mrs Heka was teaching us knife skills, to help us make our colorful fruit salad. The fruits we used where yellow and green kiwi fruits, grapes and oranges. 

Skills / Ingredients
She showed us how to cut the fruits and segment the oranges. She then showed us that we needed to cut both ends of the fruit and then place it down on the flat side so that it dose not move. We then needed to carefully cut the skin off of the fruit. and then diced the fruits for the grapes we had to cut them in half. for the oranges we needed to cut of the white parts of the orange 

We then had to layer the fruits with the yogurt into the cup, we used 1 cup of yogurt. we had to do 1 layer of yogurt and then one layer of fruit until all of the ingredients are gone. We worked in groups of 3 My partners were Fau and Hevenly both of them were making the fruit salads and I was washing the dishes.

Thursday 28 May 2020

Ancestor poem

LI: To write a poem to describe our ancestors using the literary devices of alliteration, onomatopoeia, metaphor, simile, hyperbole and rhyme.

I tried writing an ancestor poem that talks about my culture and my past. The poem talks about my ancestors and the taonga. Taonga are treasuries or gifts like dance, food, stories, and songs. That has been passed down from generation to generation through practise and through stories and songs. In my poem I used repetition in my ancestor poem as a hook to make it seem more powerful. I used the 5 senses which are vision, sight, hearing, taste and touch, to describe how my ancestors travelled in search of land.


LI: To practice using suffixes.
I did a Suffixes task the task that I was learning was a sentience builder. I learned how to build random words into a sentience. This task will help me with my learning and sentences. I also learned how to make sure that my sentences make sense and so the readers can understand what the sentience is.

Wednesday 27 May 2020

Ta" ovala

LI: To find the most efficient strategy to solve the maths problem.

This DLO shows you how to find the quickest way to find the answer to the question we will be learning about. Our DLO is also about Tavola's,Tavola's, are mats that can be warped around us when there is a Special  Occasion.  

Tuesday 26 May 2020

Maths Challenge

LI: to find the most efficient strategies to solve this problem.
Today for maths we had to solve a maths problem but we had to follow a rule. 
Rule: x 3 mince 1 
we had to times the amount of hours by 3 and then mince 1 from the answer. 
eg. If hemi and his whanau fished for 6 hours how many fish would that bring home?
3 x 6 = 18 - 1 = 17
So if he fished for 10 hours then you time the hours by 3. So if 3 x 10 is 30 then you must take away 3 from 
the answer. 30 - 1 = 29.

Wednesday 20 May 2020

Word cline

LI: To expand our vocabulary with powerful words.

For this task me and my partner made a Word Cline. a Word Cline are 5 words that are in order from simple and boring words to powerful words. the words that are in the word cline are similar they mean the same thing put sound different.

These are some examples of a powerful and boring.

Example 1 . This Morning is was cold.

Example 2.  This morning was so chilly that I had to drink a hot cup of coco.

Example 3. This morning it was so icy that i felt like i couldn’t move in the cold



As we keep adding to this word cline words go to boring to more powerful. they can help build our vocabulary and gives more meaning to what we write when we use powerful words. The words go from boring to more powerful as they go up. 


Thursday 14 May 2020

Outside the box

LI: To think outside the box, becreative and finish the picture.

For your distance learning art we are doing digital art. Our task was to use the random line that was givein we had to try and think of what it could be or look like we had to be creative, and think out side of the box. The picture I made was an octopus I moved the shape and different angles to think of something to make. the rules for this activity are  that you can rotate the shape and change it orientaion but we can not resize the shape.

Wednesday 13 May 2020

Venn Diagram

LI: To compare and contrast what NZ was like in 1870 and now in 2020.

For one of our distance learning task we had to create a venn diagram that come pares life in New Zealand in the year 1870 and what it is like know in 2020. I worked colaboratively with a friend to complete this task. Some of the differences that we pointed out in our DLO are the clothing women in 1870 were expected to wear dress's and skirts but now in 2020 it is now optional to wear a dress or skirt we have a full wardrobe of different variety of clothing. Me and my partner also had to point out some of the simalrites that the both have in common. One thing they both had in common was the transport in 1870 they still used busses, trains, cars, ect. to travel around.

Thursday 7 May 2020

Poetry/Extra reasearch

LI: to explain what a haiku poem is.

 For this activity we had to do extra research and make a DLO that includes, Map of Japan, a description of the structurre of a haiku, and interesting facts about haiku history. for the slide I had to write about Japan and Japans history.

The Scructer of a haiku is called the 5-7-5 triplets and the aproved form of haiku. there are 3 lines the first having 5 syllables in them the secound having 7 and the last line having 5 again. The haiku was not known as a haiku untill the 19th century back then it was known as a hokku.

Wednesday 6 May 2020

Poetry/Comic strip

L.I To learn about how Maui slowed the sun.

I worked with Liletina on this task. This task was about making sure we know what happens when Maul slowed the sun.

The one I found interesting was that maui slowed the sun and had the strength to defeat the sun


LI: To corectly structure and write a haiku poem.

This week for distance home learning we are learning about haiku poems. We have to complete 4 challenges the first one is to write a haiku poem. Haiku Poems Have 3 lines the first line having 5 syllables in them and the seond line haveing 7  syllables and the last line has 5 syllables again, there are 2 ways you can count syllables one was is to clap the word another way is to put your finger on your chin and start saying the word and every time your mouth drops that counts as a syllable.