
Monday 27 November 2017

past tense

LI: to use the past tense to show something that has happened

we learnt what past tense means something that has happened before for example words like went was saw cooked looked ran walked flew swam served gave. example my mum served me my food

we learnt by doing a past tense activity the first section we had to do was replace the word with the past tense word the second section we just had to fill in the word the last section  was we have to use the fowling word on the google draw  and make a past tense sentence .

Tuesday 21 November 2017

fire station visit

On Tuesday 21st of November LS2 and LS1 went to the Mt Wellington
fire station when we arrived we all sat down and there were four men in the crew then after that we all went outside and we and looked and the truck.

then the teacher got to pick four people to go and try the hose then our teacher got to use the bigger hose.

Wednesday 15 November 2017

Foods LS1 like

LI: to make a graph

I learnt what type of foods LS1 likes and dislikes

Mr Ogilvies maths groups had to tali mark all of every one favorite foods.

Friday 10 November 2017

Kiwi Sport badminton

LI: to learn badminton skills

LS1 learnt some new skills from Kevin how was teaching us the skills that Kevin were called back hand grip and front hand grip

we learnt by practicing and listening to Kevin

the stick game

to write a “reveal” section for a recount.
to plan and write a recount in 40 minutes.

we learnt how to play a new tekneek fighting game that involves a wooden stick

we learnt how to use tree for recounts the t stands for title the r stands for reveal the e stands for events and the other e stands for ending we also learnt haw write and find simple sentences

Thursday 9 November 2017

Fruits LS1 like

LI: to find out what kind of fruit that LS1 likes

I learnt what fruits LS1 likes. everyone in the class had to find out what’s the most popular fruit in lS1

Our teacher mr ogilvie gave as a task to do for maths we all got sheets of paper so we could record everyone's favorite fruit after we asked everyone we had to find out what the most popular fruit in LS1