LI: To retell a story that we have read
Today I was doing SSR selfie and I read a book called Smile. and I had to retell the story that I have been reading it is about a girl who wears braces has a race with her friend and falls during the race and her two top front teeth have been pushed up and she is then really nervous of what happened during the race.
I am a Year 8 student at Panmure Bridge School in Auckland, NZ. I am in Learning Space 2 and my teachers are Mrs Anderson and Mrs Fisi'iahi.
Friday, 29 March 2019
LI: to summurise.
Today at reading we learnt how to summarise an article and we had to give our opinions of what we think should happen and also find answers for the when, where, who, what, why, and how
and we also had four links that are related to our article.
Today at reading we learnt how to summarise an article and we had to give our opinions of what we think should happen and also find answers for the when, where, who, what, why, and how
and we also had four links that are related to our article.
LI: to gather data and make a graph.
Today at maths we had to gather up 6 pieces of data that will help us make a graph we all had to make a graph of how far and how long the ball went and we also had to tally up of the distance of where that ball has landed and we had to see if we had tallied them properly.
Today at maths we had to gather up 6 pieces of data that will help us make a graph we all had to make a graph of how far and how long the ball went and we also had to tally up of the distance of where that ball has landed and we had to see if we had tallied them properly.
LI: To revise and edit a recount.
Today at writing we had to get a partner and we had to write a recount and we had to mark it each others and this is my partners marking because they are highlighted words that he has added and the recount on top is the recount that I made and wrote. And I was in a group of three and we all had to cheek our partners work and we had to give them pints to see who changed there recount properly and we also had to see who had the most points.
Thursday, 28 March 2019
LI: To learn GFA and C chords.
This week at music we learnt how to play G F A and C chords and we played the song's shotgun and one call away on the xylophone. and also some people went on the piano and had free time to play anything on the piano. and we also worked with a partner as a duet on the xylophone we had one stick each to play on and play the chords and songs.
This week at music we learnt how to play G F A and C chords and we played the song's shotgun and one call away on the xylophone. and also some people went on the piano and had free time to play anything on the piano. and we also worked with a partner as a duet on the xylophone we had one stick each to play on and play the chords and songs.
Hauora the four walls
LI: To learn about Hauora.
Today this week in inquiry we had to learn about all the four walls that are physical, mental/emotional, social, and spiritual. and we had lots of things that can connect to the four walls for example eating vegetables would go under physical because it helps you grow stronger and that is physical because your body is growing.
After that we had to do it again but it was our own personal one that would mean we had to write things down that would go under one of the four wall of hauora for example like being confident to try something new.
The Four walls
Wednesday, 27 March 2019
Kiwi can
LI: to have a good friendship
Today at kiwi can we had a new topic and it was friendship. and we learnt about what makes a good friendship that means you have a close friend that you can trust. and we also learnt about good secrets and bad secrets that you can or can not tell and we learnt that by playing a game called secret cards we all got a card and it had a secret that was good or bad and we had to choose if it was a good or bad secret.
Today at kiwi can we had a new topic and it was friendship. and we learnt about what makes a good friendship that means you have a close friend that you can trust. and we also learnt about good secrets and bad secrets that you can or can not tell and we learnt that by playing a game called secret cards we all got a card and it had a secret that was good or bad and we had to choose if it was a good or bad secret.
kiwi can,
Positive Relationships
Friday, 22 March 2019
Maths Graphs
Today in Maths I learnt how to gather three types of data and turn it into a graph we had to hit the ball 2m and 5m and we had to see and tally down how many times we hit the target how many time it is a near miss and how many times we miss and we had to gather up all the information and data so that we can make two graphs that are about how many times it was a hit a near miss and a miss.
Data Graphs,
LI: to make improvements to a recount
Today for writing we had to write down punctuation and
we had to write the meaning of it.When we have finished we had to
go on this messed up recount.On the messed up recount we had to put the
sentences in the right order.Of you don't put it in the correct order it will not
make sense.Then we had to grab a sentence and we had to make it interesting.
To make it interesting we could put in verb,adverb,adjective anything that can make
a sentence interesting.
we had to write the meaning of it.When we have finished we had to
go on this messed up recount.On the messed up recount we had to put the
sentences in the right order.Of you don't put it in the correct order it will not
make sense.Then we had to grab a sentence and we had to make it interesting.
To make it interesting we could put in verb,adverb,adjective anything that can make
a sentence interesting.
LI: to Learn how to summurise
Today for writing we learnt how to summurise and we had to choose a article from Kiwi Kids news and we had to find key words so that we can find or unlock more information and so that we can use those words that we have found to summarise the story summuarise means you are making soming short that will have enough information about what you were reading about.
Four Dimensions of Hauora
LI: to learn about the four dimensions of Hauora
Today I learnt about the the Four Dimensions of Hauora and they are the Social dimension,
Physical dimension, Mental/Emotional dimension, and Spiritual dimension And those four are very important because if you balance them all perfectly than you are healthy but if one of them is not balanced then it all falls down for example if you have four legs on a chair and one of the legs on the chair fall of than you will fall of as well. I learnt all of this from a video that i have watched and that gave me information about all four dimensions and also give examples of what it is and what it is not.
Four dimensions,
Thursday, 21 March 2019
Kiwi Can
Learning Intention: To Cooperate and work as a team and to have a Positive Relationship
Today at Kiwi Can our theme is positive relationships and the topic is Corporation. A new skill that I learnt today at kiwi can was that we can cooperate with classmates to also have a positive relationship as well and so that we can work as a team. I learnt how to cooperate and have a positive relationship was by playing a game that will make us have a strong positive relationship so the game that I played was called code breaker the objective of that game was to try and unlock or figure out what the code is with our team there were two different teams that had to also crack the code as well the main point of this game to work as a team and also to remember the code. So the thing that we used to use a pin pad was hula-hoops we had to step in the write one to unlock the code so if the kiwi leader said it was wrong than it was the next team turn to try and if he says that the code is write than that means we win the game.
kiwi can,
Positive Relationships
Friday, 15 March 2019
Types of Abuse
Today constable Cyrus came to PBS and told us about the 7 types of abuse. And they are cyber abuse,emotional abuse, neglect, family violence, sexual Abuse not abuse physical abuse. cyber abuse means you are getting mocked or bullied online, emotional abuse means that some one is bullying you and they hurt your felling. neglect means that your family doesn't care about you. family violence means that you are in a fight with your family. sexual abuse means that someone is forcing you to do rude and inappropriate actions. and last but not least physical abuse means you are always being pushed around and being beat up.
LI: To create a list of actions
This week for Writing, We were put into groups to make lists of words that are either Verbs, Adverbs, Adjectives, Emotions, Said or M/F. If you chose to list Verbs You had to list as many actions words as you could think of. If you chose Adjectives to list, you needed to make a poster of a list that has as many Adjectives as you listed. If you chose Adverbs then you needed to create a list of different adverbs. If You chose Emotions then you had to list as many feelings and emotions as possible. If you chose Said Then you had to make a list of the different words to replace said. If you Chose Male and Female then you needed to make a poster of the list of words that can also mean male/female
Stan walker Slide deeck
L.I: To apply the different strategies we use as readers
This week we made a slide presentation about Stan walker. This presentation talks about his life and his career. His parents used to be drug dealers that inspired him to be a bad boy. Then he realised all of the chaos he cost so he started focusing on to be a good boy again. He then got inspired by John legend that made Stan walker start his singing career. His singing career started in Australia idol. He luckily won the season and he became famous by releasing a song that got a lot of views. He became very popular an now commonly known.
stan walker slide deeck
LI: to use this blogging template to make a blog
Today for cyber smart we had to learn about what we need in a blog post so that we can write quality ones and i wrote about my maths blog post it was about graphs and we had to write one the blogging template what we learnt and what we did or how we did it and also write about what tools we used for this graph.
Today for cyber smart we had to learn about what we need in a blog post so that we can write quality ones and i wrote about my maths blog post it was about graphs and we had to write one the blogging template what we learnt and what we did or how we did it and also write about what tools we used for this graph.
blogging template,
Learning Intention: To learn how to make a graph
Today in maths I learnt how to make a graph by rolling a die 100 times and we had to tally how many times a number was rolled and me and my partner learnt how to make a good title for a graph and also how to write a labels and data. And I also learnt all of that by making a graph about the amount of times a number was rolled on a die. and there are some of the things that I used to make a graph. Tools that we used to learn how to make a graph are die,ruler,maths book,
Today in maths I learnt how to make a graph by rolling a die 100 times and we had to tally how many times a number was rolled and me and my partner learnt how to make a good title for a graph and also how to write a labels and data. And I also learnt all of that by making a graph about the amount of times a number was rolled on a die. and there are some of the things that I used to make a graph. Tools that we used to learn how to make a graph are die,ruler,maths book,
Kiwi Sport
LI: to learn how to play Ki o Rahi
Today for Kiwi Sport we learnt how to play the game ki o Rahi first we all got into to teams and we had to wear rippa tags to play the game and we also had to use the ki and then we started playing the game. and we had a kicker to start the game and they had to kick it into Pawero, and if they do not catch it or not kick properly it is a handover and the taniwha team had to try score by throwing the Ki at the tupu, and to stop that the kaitiaki has to make sure the ki does not touch the tupu. If the Kaitiaki catches the Ki then they throw it out to their team members the kioma team out in Te Au. Kiome scores trys by touching as many Po and they have to try not get ripped by the taniwha team when they touch the po and to score in pawero. We had gotten separated into two teams, one team is the red team and the other is the yellow team. The red team won 5 to 2.
Today for Kiwi Sport we learnt how to play the game ki o Rahi first we all got into to teams and we had to wear rippa tags to play the game and we also had to use the ki and then we started playing the game. and we had a kicker to start the game and they had to kick it into Pawero, and if they do not catch it or not kick properly it is a handover and the taniwha team had to try score by throwing the Ki at the tupu, and to stop that the kaitiaki has to make sure the ki does not touch the tupu. If the Kaitiaki catches the Ki then they throw it out to their team members the kioma team out in Te Au. Kiome scores trys by touching as many Po and they have to try not get ripped by the taniwha team when they touch the po and to score in pawero. We had gotten separated into two teams, one team is the red team and the other is the yellow team. The red team won 5 to 2.
Kiwi Can
LI: to have a positive Relationship.
Today in kiwi can we learnt about how to cooperate with our class. We then had a energizer to play the objective of the game was to to everything opposite that Ms Mack was saying so for example if she said take one step in then we take one step back or if she said put your left arm up then we put your right arm up. and then we sat down and talked about what we think cooperation means or what other people think it might mean. than we played an activity called command & conquer so we got into four teams with 5 to 6 people in the four teams and there was one leader and they had to get instructions and tell there team what to do and the team you can finish that first wins
kiwi can,
Positive Relationships
Thursday, 7 March 2019
LI: to learn how to make sentence more interesting
Today in writing we had to learn how to make boring sentence more interesting. So first when we begun this activity we had to choose a starter sentence my one was LS1 read a book for 20 minutes and I had to color code everything that i added to my sentences in different colors. So first I had to add an adjective, a when, where, how, and why so i had to add all of those to make my sentence more interesting.
LI: to learn Chords and notes
Today in Music we learnt C F and G chords on a ukulele to play C chord then you must use your ring finger and put it on the last string and on the third threat. After that we learnt how to play F and G and we but all of them together and we had to play four C chords and four F and G chords. And after that i had free time on the piano witch meant i could play anything.
Today in Music we learnt C F and G chords on a ukulele to play C chord then you must use your ring finger and put it on the last string and on the third threat. After that we learnt how to play F and G and we but all of them together and we had to play four C chords and four F and G chords. And after that i had free time on the piano witch meant i could play anything.
C F G,
notes and chords,
Wednesday, 6 March 2019
L.I: To learn about measurements
Today in maths we learnt how to measure we learnt new vocab, we used different tools, and we also demonstrated of to measure. But first we learnt new words that had to link with measuring like horizontal, width, and more. we also used tools to help us measure they are 30 meter rule and more. we also had to demonstrate of how we can measure an item I measured a book with a ruler i measured the height, length, and width.
LI: To praise someone
This week we learned about how to praise someone in kiwi can. Praise mean when we encourage someone and make them have confidants to make them to better or to complement them like good work, great job, or keep up the good work. We good show that by when we play games we can encourage them to win then game or to try there best so that they can try there best and give it there all.
This week we learned about how to praise someone in kiwi can. Praise mean when we encourage someone and make them have confidants to make them to better or to complement them like good work, great job, or keep up the good work. We good show that by when we play games we can encourage them to win then game or to try there best so that they can try there best and give it there all.
LI:to to learn how to write a blog post blurb.
This week we learnt abut how to write a blog post so first we listed what are some bad sentence starters but we needed a subject so the subject was our LS1 CARE awards. here are examples of bad sentence starters
This week we learnt abut how to write a blog post so first we listed what are some bad sentence starters but we needed a subject so the subject was our LS1 CARE awards. here are examples of bad sentence starters
- Today we got in a group...
- Today we learned...
- our teacher told us...
- the first thing we did was...
- for cyber smart we did...
And after that we thought of some good sentence starters that we could use when we are writing a blog post here are some examples.
- This week learnt about how to...
- CARE awards are given for...
- In Cybersmart we learnt how to write blurbs...
- Writing a succinct blurb is important to tell the people what we learnt...
After that we learnt that when we write a blurb we have to write what we learnt, how we learnt, and what you did/used to learn.
Friday, 1 March 2019
Kiwi Sport
LI: To learn how to play the Taniwha Role.
Today for kiwi sport we learnt how to play the Taniwha role we had three tasks to complete the first one was to use the ki and hit the tupu as many times as we can and we had to do it under a minute and we had to try and beat the last class that was playing and we beat them and then we had to use two balls and throw at the tupu and we also had to to that under a minute.
Today for kiwi sport we learnt how to play the Taniwha role we had three tasks to complete the first one was to use the ki and hit the tupu as many times as we can and we had to do it under a minute and we had to try and beat the last class that was playing and we beat them and then we had to use two balls and throw at the tupu and we also had to to that under a minute.
Kiwi sport
Kiwi can
LI: to have a positive relationships.
Today for kiwi can we learnt how to communicate to each other we could do that by body language like hand sighs and we were going to put that to use by playing hand socer we had to comunicate so that we know when to roll the ball and when to catch the ball and we also played a game called fruit salad we had to listen carefully because every time the kiwi can leader says a type of fruit then we have the move a body part or do a dance move.
Today for kiwi can we learnt how to communicate to each other we could do that by body language like hand sighs and we were going to put that to use by playing hand socer we had to comunicate so that we know when to roll the ball and when to catch the ball and we also played a game called fruit salad we had to listen carefully because every time the kiwi can leader says a type of fruit then we have the move a body part or do a dance move.
LI: to learn notes and Chords.
Today for Music we learnt how to play notes and chords on a ukulele we learnt how to play C G A and F chords first we learnt the C chord we had to use the third box and the last string we had to hold it down with our ring finger and then we had to strum the ukulele and we had to do that with all the other chords but we used more fingers and different notes.
Today for Music we learnt how to play notes and chords on a ukulele we learnt how to play C G A and F chords first we learnt the C chord we had to use the third box and the last string we had to hold it down with our ring finger and then we had to strum the ukulele and we had to do that with all the other chords but we used more fingers and different notes.
notes and chords,
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