
Thursday 2 September 2021


 LI: To explain in fewer words what the text was about.

In this summary I summarized what its like for Rangi-Haira Jaxon Greening to create custom sneakers using this article to help me gather infoermation about how he creates his custom sneakers and what its like for him the create them. He first started shoe custamization as a hobby about ten years ago and has now been doing it profesonaly for three years for his brand 'Gyst For Kickz' . He first saw shoe customizing through a documentary Just for Kicks and he was amzed that he was able to combine art and sneakers together.

I enjoyed this task becuase it was interesting to find out about how he got into customizing shoes and why he loves doing it and how he can relate it back to his culture.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Juel
    I enjoyed reading your summary about Rangi-Haira Jaxon Greening. I was interested to learn that his Father and Grandfather gave him inspiration with their traditional Maori carving. I think it is fantastic when someone can use their passion and talent to both showcase their culture and create something really cool.
    Good work
