
Tuesday 29 June 2021

Abstarct Noun

 LI: To edit our writing using DRAFT

Today, we focused on writing abstract noun senses poems. An abstract noun is an existing that cannot be touched or physical obtained such as, happiness, sadness, and anger. Metaphors compare two things without using the words 'like' or 'as'. The five human senses are sight, hearing, touch, taste and smell.

For this task I worked with my partner  to create a poem using abstract nouns. Our group was given a list of abstract nouns that we can use to write a poem. The abstract noun we choose was culture. We used the five senses to describe what misery sounds, looks, tastes, and smells like while using metaphors to structure a poem correctly.

An abstract noun is a feeling or emotion that cannot be physically touched. A metaphor is the comparison between two things without using as or like. 

For example: Happiness is a river of joy that is flowing through my heart. 

The word happiness is the abstract noun and is used to create this metaphor. 

I really enjoyed doing this because I got to work collaboratively and work together in a group and also use powerful words to strengthen the poem to make our poem stand out.


  1. Hey Juel ,

    That's one amazing powerful poem that you've created with Ong , explaing an Abstact Noun Poem about Culture. Its great to see that you've have explained what is an Abstract Noun poem , What s etaphor is and showed examples to give it more detail. My partner and I have created an Similiar one , also about culutre ,but differnent with the sentince's that we have used and you have used. For a bit of feedback I would really think that you should also give two sentinces , that show the differnt between an Abstact Noun Poem , and a Meatphor?. Other than that you've done a really great job iwht your DLO , and blog-post.

    What did you find the hardest about this DLO? / why?

    keep up the great work ,

    Thanks Liletina

    1. Hello Liletina.

      Thank you very much for commeneitng on my blog post I really apreciate it and enjoy reading your feed back that you have given to me. Next time if I try this activity again I will add the changes to my blurb to make to it quality.

      The hardest part for the creating the poem was thinking of ways I could include metaphors or compound sentences.

      What was that hardest part for you while writing your DLO?
